Episode Transcript
Speaker 0 00:00:04 Make it right. The manufacturing podcast
Speaker 1 00:00:10 Success or failure of a manufacturing plant is the fact that the people who know best how it really operates. What's really happening day to day are the people on the floor, the supervisors. And so as leaders, if you can create a transparent open two way communication flow, where you genuinely are interested in improving things, solving problems, making things better, then you'll find those things out. The best plants are the ones where people are open to understanding how it truly works. And what are the things that are getting in the way of people making the plant run faster, better hit schedule, create better products, better quality, right? First time, welcome to the makeup right podcast. I'm Janet Eastman. And this week on the show, we are talking, pursuing world-class leadership. And that quote is from our guests, Peter Gibbons, who is a business and supply chain executive. And he is currently CEO of us tire distributor tire hub. Peter has been on make it right a number of times. It's great to have him back on the show. So welcome Peter.
Speaker 0 00:01:15 Thank you. It's great to be here.
Speaker 1 00:01:18 You're very welcome. So Peter, your comments are in line with everything that Kevin Snoop has discussed here on makeup, right. And in his book. So I'm really excited to have both of you on the show today to talk about effective leadership. Welcome Kevin. Good to see you again. Thank you very much. So more and more. I think the world needs really great leaders. We need them in our politics. We need them in our business and we even need them in our families. So what does make a really good 21st century leader? And I think this should be an open discussion. We'll start with you, Peter, but Kevin, by all means jump in when you're ready.
Speaker 0 00:01:57 Yeah. I grew up as a tail end of baby boomer, the end of the baby boom generation. So I grew up in that time when so many of our leaders and certainly for examples where people who had been in the service, been in the forces, lived through the second world war. You have that generation of leaders who experienced leadership in that environment, plus their children, the baby boomers. And I look back at that kind of educational leadership and it was a lot of focus on authority and hierarchy and directiveness. Uh, the 21st century is very different. I think it's a lot more nuanced. I think the speed of change, the speed of action is much, much faster. There's so much more focused, rightfully on inclusion and hearing multiple voices and hearing different voices. And then every generation wants to have purpose. I think in the 21st century, people are looking for much more direction of what the purpose is that you're projecting as a leader and is it to them. So I think leadership has some things that are stay constant, but I do think there are differences in the 21st century that make it more real and vibrant tasks for us as leaders to pursue.
Speaker 1 00:03:11 Yeah, we're not following that. Um, that mentality of, you know what, like during the first and second world war, it was, you just follow the orders because this is the plan and we have to go there. Um, now people want a lot more out of life and Kevin, you see that all the time.
Speaker 0 00:03:29 Yeah. And I see that in different countries, in different cultures as well, and it's slowly moving into some of the cultures. But, um, so for example, I do a lot of work in South Korea and in South Korea, they're still very much into that kind of autocratic system. And it's taking longer to break out of that. But, um, in certain areas where we're breaking down those barriers that Peter talks about and that, uh, that whole idea about being more of a servant leader, not so much of a heroic leader, I think it's becoming more important, but it's also becoming more, more obvious that companies need to do that because in order to get the most out of people, get the most out of the company, you need to be involving everybody these days.
Speaker 1 00:04:16 So what, what is, what does servant leadership look like? I mean, from your standpoint, Peter, what does servant leadership look like?
Speaker 0 00:04:25 So I have to tell a story. That example really of leadership came from a, an interaction. My father, when I was 15 years old and my father was a principal of a school and I was at a different school. And this kid, the day I decided to walk his skills, I get right. All right. And so I ended up at his school, he's in his office. I walk in and he's on the phone and he's kind of fundraising down the Fort, explaining something to someone. And he comes off with the words, well, I've explained what needs to be done usually to step off and make this happen. So I being 15 kind of ask him, Hey, what's good on that. And he explains that his school, new school that you managed to get built, uh, was significantly troubled by all of these issues that hadn't been resolved when they moved at Shedd.
Speaker 0 00:05:17 There's massive punchless. So he personally had created the punch list. He'd walked the building and had taped 40 pages of issues with the school. I'm 15, not particularly pleasant, 15 year old, I'll I'll admit it. And I tell him how wrong he is. I explained to them, it's not your job. You shouldn't be having to do this. It's the city architect. And he said, well, dark tech, hasn't fixed it. I explained this to the County works engineer, right? Uh, this is what he hasn't fixed it. Well then it's the department of public works. They haven't fixed it. And finally, I say, look that you don't understand. You don't understand, you shouldn't be doing this. The director of education should be fixing this. And he says, that's your, I was just on the phone. And I realize I've kind of gone too far and he size.
Speaker 0 00:06:08 And he just looks when he says, you're not Peter, let me tell you something. This is my school. These are my kids. These are my parents. They really don't care whose fault is, they're really not interested in who I can blame. They just need me to go get it fixed. And then he paused again. And he said, no, do you still want that right home? I did quietly. And the reason I tell that story is to me, that was the very first moment in my leadership journey where someone explained, you know, it's not about being right. And knowing who to blame is a boat taking personal responsibility and seeing yourself as a servant, tell the people he could have gone to the parents and told them whose fault it was. That's not how he looked at the world. His job was to represent them and get them the best possible skills he could, the best possible education.
Speaker 0 00:07:00 And it was a humbling experience. And the older I got, the more embarrassed I was bilingual and attitude, but the more of that story stuck with me and I've told that story. Somebody takes it. Doesn't, it just resonate that way. With, um, with two ways, I often use it two ways to use data. One way you can use base or is, could look at the gaps and beat people up based on it. The other way to use it is to look for an opportunity and either way, the number is the same, right? It says that your, your production line is at 60% efficiency, right? You can say, wow, it's terrible. It should be 70. Or you could say, well, we've got a gap here at 10, and that's an opportunity to really get better. And so it's a very similar thing. Your dad was basically saying someone is accountable for it, but that's not the important thing what's important is we get together and get it fixed. And that's a fantastic lesson.
Speaker 1 00:07:55 And how do you get people to actually take that responsibility? I mean, Peter, your dad took responsibilities as it's my school. It's my job to get this fixed because who cares, whose fault it is, how do you get people in a factory to know that they are allowed to take that responsibility?
Speaker 0 00:08:14 Oh, that's a fantastic question. I think a lot of it comes back to the tone that you're setting around good news and bad news. We, we tend to encourage people to view information as good and bad. And we do that often. And the trouble with that is people, none of us liked bad news and people don't want to bring bad news. And as soon as you've defined it as bad news, as opposed to, it's just the truth, it's an opportunity. It's a chance to improve, which we describe it. If you describe it in a sense of being neutral or being positive, I think you get a very different response out of people. If you set that tone, that there is good and bad information to Kevin's point, it's the same piece of information that got a label on it and say, this is bad. Who wants to come forward? Who wants to step up and take a rest who wants to step up and say, Hey, I could fix that. Or I could do something about that. Or even, you know, I don't know how to fix that. Wouldn't it be great if someone who did came and helped us fix it. And I think you've got to help people treat the issue is just the issue. It's just, it's just what it is.
Speaker 1 00:09:26 And that lack of information isn't helping anybody. If you don't know, as a leader, that that problem is there, then it just continues to perpetuate itself and you don't know what's going wrong. You had a great quote in one of the podcasts that you were on with me, you said, my destiny is in your hands. Your destiny is in my hands. And that's what this is all about. Isn't it?
Speaker 0 00:09:51 Well, you don't want to, I'll just do the rest of your day. Yours. You want to all feel you're part of the same integrated system is going to get some results. And yeah, I think we, uh, we all to ourselves to help people see that there's nothing wrong with someone else, having your destiny in their hands and their destiny and yours as it is for being a team and being a leader, you should be encouraging people to see that you're collectively in it together. There's only one price. There's only one agenda. We're only one team, less North splitter. Let's make people pull together towards the bigger price.
Speaker 1 00:10:30 So Peter, how is it as a leader, do you strive to, to hit that sort of perfect balance between, you know, setting the direction and being the leader, but letting people actually take control of their own destiny at certain point on points in, in the, in the path, how, how do you do that? How do you strive for that?
Speaker 0 00:10:51 I'm glad you said strive because striving pies, you don't always succeed. And I I'll be the first to say that I'm as flawed as anybody else in that dimension. The way I describe or define leadership or being leader is the role of a leader is to help a group of people achieve a objective or a goal that they would be unlikely to achieve left to their own devices. And why do I say that? I say that because I have a leader, if they are likely to achieve it without you, you don't need the leader. Doesn't know there's no rule for it. So you, if you start with that definition, that people are striving towards something and you're there to help them achieve it. I think that's a very positive place to start. I think they, ain't going to come back and say, so what did they need, uh, for the need for me? And I think part of your job is to provide confidence, uh, remove fear, uh, provide the tools to do the job, and you can be a great inspiration for before. But if you then don't provide the facilities
Speaker 2 00:11:54 And the tools for them to be successful, then that's wasted if you're providing people confidence. But your first instinct is to criticize and point out the flaws. Then you know, that that creates some of that fear that it's not going to build confidence. It's going to create fear. So part of what I've always strived to do is how do you help people be the heroes that they are naturally? I truly believe that people are not truly voice. I absolutely believe that people are naturally heroic. How do you help them bring a natural heroic approach to things? Let them think clearly let them think straight, let them take some accountability and responsibility for the problem, let them step forward and say, I've got an idea. It might not work. I've got an idea. You know, if you said to me, I'd left a meeting and someone had a great idea and they didn't bring it out because of my behavior to me, that I'm sure Kevin would feel this haven't grown faxes. It feel, it feel pretty bad, but the fire people who have ideas, they need to be able to express Leesville to dialogue and have conversations.
Speaker 1 00:12:58 Kevin, how do you set that tone, removing that fear so that people actually feel that they can come forward in a meeting with the leaders in the room and say, you know, I really think maybe this is a good idea. How do you remove the fear of doing that?
Speaker 2 00:13:14 Yeah. We talked about this before and it's all about being able to listen. And I think that's where the patients comes in and, you know, there's, there's, um, it's a culture, it's a learned behavior. And I just, just recently I was thinking, why would I, I went to, to work with a client of mine and they were having a specific issue and I came back home and, um, and I was talking to my wife about it. And I, she was, it was clear that I was passionate, that there was this challenge in, in my, uh, my client. And she said, well, why do you care so much about it? Um, you know, and it was an area that I wasn't specifically responsible for. You know, they had a challenge in the market with one of their products and that's a non governmental group had gone in and done a survey.
Speaker 2 00:13:58 And they've kind of been battered by the survey and I was feeling aggrieved by it. And because I knew that it was unjust and she said, well, why do you care about that? You're not responsible for sales and the marketing side of it. You're helping them with their production. I said, you know, that's a really good question and I'm not sure why I'm so passionate or I'm taking ownership for their business. And then I look back on, when did it start with me? And it was when I started working with P and G Proctor and gamble early in my career. And right at the beginning of that, they started calling me an owner. You know, you were an area Rona for an ad for a part of the factory. You were, um, you, you became a, an equipment owner for part of the equipment. And then as I grew in the role, I was a business owner and I never actually owned any of those things.
Speaker 2 00:14:49 Right. I wasn't actually, you know, I didn't get any direct reward for that particular thing, but I started to feel like an owner. And through those 17 years, that ownership feeling just grew. And then I ended up taking that with me. So I think as leaders, we help people become owners by treating them like owners. I giving them the opportunity to take accountability and to make some decisions and to make mistakes, and then help you fix the mistakes that have been made. It's it's, it's about interacting and a big part of that. Peter said it beautifully it for me, it's around helping support, right? As a leader, we set a very clear direction. We want to make sure that we are inspiring people to move in that direction. But then the biggest role we play as a leader is to help them support them, to get there. And that idea around bringing out the hero in every individual. He's just wonderful. And so to me, it's around listening to people, finding out what they really need to be able to achieve those things that they wouldn't achieve without your help. And then just putting that in place, Peter you're nodding there.
Speaker 0 00:16:00 Yeah. It was the thoughts going around, Kevin. It's interesting. You, you can say to a group of people, you have to make, you have to reach this target. You have to hit this number. And the first reaction that is likely to be, we don't know, or it can't be done, right? If you, if you position it the wrong way, if you persuade people that it's absolutely necessary, it's absolutely necessary. You'll get a different response, right. Or if you say to people, Hey, if we had to take this number from X to Y, what would you need? How would you do it? You get a completely different response. And, and often you see people, you know, the, the drift to the first one, cause there's short sockets. It's very easy to say, well, quality needs to be 99%. We are at 90. And the person says, well, we were 85 last year.
Speaker 0 00:16:54 And suddenly you're in a debate about the number of us behind it is the person thinks, Oh my gosh, if I don't know how to do this, I'm a failure. If you said to the person, Hey, by the way, if got a 90, by the way, that was great. You guys from 85, what would we need to get tonight tonight? Oh, well let me tell you, we need to replace line one, line two. We need to get built some training suddenly. It's all coming out. Similarly, if you were to say, Oh my gosh, we're in such a situation. If we can get our, you know, our quality from X to Y I think we're going to lose this account. That word ownership comes up. People are like, Oh really? I didn't realize it was so important. Wow. I thought 90 was good. I didn't realize that with those two being at lane to lane, we might lose one of our key.
Speaker 0 00:17:42 So how you position these big challenges creates a very different response from people. And too often, you'll see someone, maybe it's an Avastin. Maybe it's instinctive, it's trained. It comes out in a manner of which feels too much like a challenge to the person on the other end. And the frustration is often can't be done, don't know to do it. And suddenly you're in this negative cycle. Whereas actually what you're trying to do is solve a very cool problem. You're trying to do something that hasn't been done before. And I love what Kevin said about ownership, getting people to feel trust and ownership of their part of the solution is such an important part of this.
Speaker 1 00:18:20 So how do you do that? Like, what's that key trait to getting you to, to get there. Kevin, go ahead.
Speaker 0 00:18:28 Let me ask Peter A. Little bit of a question, a follow up on that. If I can, it's really around, you were talking about sharing information with people so that they understand why, why that is so important, you know, to, to get together and achieve that particular goal. Um, but a lot of companies that I go into, they seem to have a challenge with transparency. They don't want to share too much information, whether it's financial information or, or challenges or vulnerabilities, you know, because something's not going exactly the way. How do you bring, how do you have the confidence to be more transparent in an organization and bring that because that's a critical part of the ownership that Janet was talking about? You know, I think I was very fortunate in my early years of ICI, huge chemical company, running big, big hazardous, chemical plants and safety was such an important part of our, our heritage and our culture and not being transparent in a highly hazardous environment is really not a good thing.
Speaker 0 00:19:32 And of course we were never perfect and anything that we did, but we strive heroically and in so many ways and did so many amazing things. But I do remember that idea of if there's one thing you are always going to be transparent about, it was something that was technical, either safety or engineering related. And I remember seeing things come up in meetings, which the only reason they came out was because we created a culture that said, if it's safe to relate to them, it's to do with how we run this high has a facility, it needs to be on the table. We can't keep that quiet. And then, then you start to see other examples, scaffold where you think, well, that's interesting Jews not sharing that information about his financial project or his other thing. And you began to see these conflicts or contrast rather.
Speaker 0 00:20:17 And so I would say my real instruction in that area was growing up in ICA, seeing how powerful transparency could be. But I think a bit further tonight trying to view for leadership. There's three things I always tell people I'm looking for the first is I'm not hiring you to have answers. I'm hiring you to know what are the problems, opportunities, the issues, which is very hard for some people because they didn't raise. Definitely they've been raised. If you don't have the answer, keep don't raise the problem. If you flip it around and say, I'm paying you to tell me what's broken, what needs to change? What needs to improve? You're actually giving someone a task they can accomplish telling someone, you have to have all the answers. That's impossible. Then the second thing bikes is transformative. The thing is, I look for why coworking with your door, open your windows, open the shades drawn or wait.
Speaker 0 00:21:11 You want people to work in a fashion where we can see what each other's doing. That we're transparent, that is on the table. And those two things feed off each other. If we're an organization, that's happy to talk about problem solving and that helps be transparent. And then the first thing I looked for, like sisters, we all have to be able to sleep at night. I don't want anybody lying in bed at night beside themselves, cause they're behind on a project or because they're, they don't know how to solve a problem or the numbers are adding up because all that happens when they eventually tell you is the first question you ask is how long have you known? And if they say yesterday, you say good hourly. If it's well, I'll be lying in bed. Worrying about this for six weeks. First of all, you've probably done them with their family, tremendous damage. And secondly, just last six weeks, I say to people, you know, be a problem solver, bring problems forward, be helpless, be a problem, solving culture, be transparent unless I'll go home at night and get good night's sleep so we can come back and be the best we are. And if we can't get a good night's sleep, get lined up and say, I have a problem.
Speaker 1 00:22:17 Kevin, have you seen that? Where, well you must have when you've been out there talking to leaders and, and their teams, you know, the fear of bringing things forward and sitting on things.
Speaker 0 00:22:28 Yeah. And that fear comes from both ways. It comes from the individuals about bringing things forward, but it also comes from the leaders about sharing certain things. And um, you know, I've always found that for a frontline employee to be a real, it's really taken ownership role and feel accountability. They need to know what's going on. And so one, one example of that is budget management. A lot of companies I work with, especially a lot of private companies are really afraid of sharing their numbers, their, their actual, um, their profit and their loss and their, you know, the budgets each department and what are we spending money on and why are we choosing to spend on this and not spend on that? And there's a real fear about sharing that information. And I think that creates a lot of the theory in the, in the individuals, because if you're not allowed to ask about money, you've been on a lot of bring up this subject because it might cost you much.
Speaker 0 00:23:22 Then you're never going to come forward with it. If you're coming up with a proposal, like I really need a new tool to do this job better. But I know that if I ask for that new tool, people are going to say to me, or why do you need to spend the money, right? And you're never going to bring forward that particular issue. And so the transparency starts from the top. Again, we need to be able to show people that we're open and we're willing to talk about the difficult things. So then to be able to feel comfortable. And Peter mentioned this before around the leadership behaviors, but vulnerability, I see as a real strength. I think if you, as a leader can say, I don't know all the answers. I'm not exactly sure what we're going to do next, but I want to have a conversation about it. And I want to get some input from other people that vulnerability itself opens up the organization to, to completely new ideas that you would never have thought of before
Speaker 1 00:24:18 Peter you're nodding
Speaker 0 00:24:25 And is a good rate control system. It stops, it stops difficult decisions coming to you. It's such a negative thing, but it's absolutely awful. We don't tell people things, people then I don't want to be the one coming forward asking for the new widget. That means you don't talk with the fact that machine's broken. And if you don't talk where the fight that it could, you know, she might fail and then you're really in trouble. So all these things, all spiral to bad places, they don't feel safe. They feel badly, but it's amazing how practice some of these standards. These are, uh, you know, there's a difference between a company's secrets and what is, you know, sensitive, confidential information. That doesn't mean that people can't know it. It just means you handle it with care. That's all it means. There are many secrets of business.
Speaker 0 00:25:11 Very, very few. It's just that generally information is to stay in the family, but going to use it constructively. And I think too often data is seen as power. You know, too often people think if I don't talk about money and tell people there isn't any, they won't, they won't ask. And if they don't ask enough to make a decision, I wouldn't have a chief engineer. He couldn't get this particular a capital project approved by the CFO. And he came to me one day and he said, Peter, I've got a real problem. This has been sitting on the steer for his desk for four weeks. We have got to get these pipelines changed, the mild steel they're on the roof or in Puerto Rico. This is a problem. I've got to get it done. And I looked at Larry and said, Hey life, let me tell you a secret.
Speaker 0 00:25:56 I rare our CFO was trained as a chemical engineer. That's all going to say a lot. He walks upstairs, walks into his office, says, Hey, as the chief engineer and you being a former chemical engineer, you'll know why I need to get these pipes change. Are you going to say that or not? It was saved within five seconds because he fought the battle on his own terms. He didn't fight it on. There's no money. It can't be done. He went in, Bolton said, hold on a second, sitting on your desk. You know what the right thing to do is here.
Speaker 1 00:26:28 Hmm. That's a great story. Um, I want to move things to where we are right now because we're living in as they call it extraordinary times. Nobody, none of us have been through this before, but how hard it to lead and to get the information that you need from your team members right now in the time of COVID-19.
Speaker 0 00:26:52 Well, let me start maybe in an unusual place. I, I don't think it's, if you're leading, you can't ever say it's difficult if you're in charge. Uh, and I that's who I started from. And I thought by this quite a bit recently, someone asks me a question about it. It must be really tough to say, well, no, this is the job. And it sounds a bit trite, but there was a CEO. I worked for a guy called Dennis Henderson when he was interviewed as when he got this huge, huge job, he was interviewed by the financial times. And they asked him, did you get any advice? And he said, yes. I spoke to all of my predecessors who were still alive. And I got the same advice for all of them. And the advice was relish. The job relish, all the basic guy. He said, that was the only thing I got.
Speaker 0 00:27:41 That was common. In other words, this is a privilege. The circumstances will be going to be, you need to relish this every minute and have no regrets at the end that we've covered. You know, the, the, the, the part that to me, makes it most difficult is as a, as a situation for the company is that you're talking about individual's health and safety. And we're also thinking about people's livelihoods in a different way. And so the way we've tackled that entire hub is to make sure that everything we do, we ask ourselves in 18 months tape, how will our customers and how will our employees judge us? Because that is what's really going to make the difference as leaders, 18 months from now, will we be judged as having treated this fairly well effectively with the right priorities? Have we cared for our customers? Have we taken care of our employees are hoppers? And if we pass those two tests, then, then I'll be quite happy. But I relish this job every single day in COVID makes it more complex and makes the stakes a little bit higher, but it is what it is. And you don't wish this on anybody or anything. You don't want this to happen, but as a leader, this is what you've signed up for.
Speaker 1 00:28:59 Well, and I think that's interesting because, um, if you look at it as something fearful, then it's going to be something fearful. If you look at it as just another business challenge, even though it's kind of out there, I mean, then you can actually relish your job and go, okay, how are we going to tackle this?
Speaker 0 00:29:18 So just down the corridor from his mom, Marine, who from day one, he liked being in the office every day. Just about, since this started and with Chris, our head of HR, the map tracks 1500 people every single day, every single day, we track everybody 1400 people because we want to know that the single most important thing every day is at the safe or the, well, someone's what we're going
Speaker 2 00:29:42 To do. If we can get that part, right. The rest of them will work out.
Speaker 1 00:29:46 Wow. Kevin, do you have any final thoughts for us?
Speaker 2 00:29:49 Yeah. Well, on that one, um, you know, said it earlier on, if you mentioned you were walking into a jungle, if there's a path there already, you don't need a leader to take you in there. You know, the leader is the one who goes into the place where the path has never been cut before, and that comes with risk and it comes with new challenges that you've never seen before. And so we're in a perfect time for leadership in COVID because none of us have ever seen this before to this extent, but that's when leaders step up. And so it is a matter of being able to understand that there's a risk of that, that we're going to do things that are different. But what I found is the companies that, uh, uh, really working the best in there. So the ones that already had some good thoughts and good practices in place, and they're just elevating that this is magnifying those practices.
Speaker 2 00:30:40 And I know that in Peter's company and tire hub, they already have, you know, he's been there for awhile. They already have some great practices in place. So I'm not surprised with taking care of it and really using it to improve. And, you know, I, I was working with a gym at one point when, when COBIT hit that gym closed down. And because people weren't allowed to go in there, but instead of saying, no, we're closing down. You're not, you know, you're not allowed to come in anymore, but you're still paying your twos. They said, look, immediately, we're going to put all our trainers onto getting new training programs in place. And we're going to pipe ourselves into your living room three times a week, and you can actually do the training with us. And they made a real effort to still serve during a difficult time. And I think that's exactly that the type of behaviors and the leadership behaviors we want to see during
Speaker 1 00:31:34 Hmm. Peter, do you have any final thoughts? We're almost at a time, but just a final thoughts from you.
Speaker 2 00:31:45 One of the biggest privileges people and help them achieve things. You just got to wake up every day and say, this is, this is a great thing to be able to do a cool thing. And if you can't do that, you do something else.
Speaker 1 00:32:12 Peter, it's always a pleasure to have you on the show. You have some great stories and I just love chatting with you. So continued success with tire hub. And thanks for joining us today. Thank you, Kevin.
Speaker 2 00:32:27 Thank you.
Speaker 1 00:32:30 So thanks to both of you for being so generous with your time, sharing your insights today on make it right. Peter Gibbons is the CEO of tire hub. Kevin Snoop is a advisor
Speaker 3 00:32:40 And author of make it right. Five steps to align your manufacturing business from the front line to the bottom line. And if you'd like to listen to other episodes of make it right, Peter's got four of them back there in the catalog. So check them out. There's some great stories in there. You can find us on iTunes, Google play, Stitcher, Spotify, and YouTube. And every week we announce our new shows on Twitter and LinkedIn. I'm Janet <inaudible>. Thanks so much for listening to the mega bright podcast.